Meet the Artist

Donna Richards - Artist and Art Instructor

Welcome to my part of the art world!

I am basically a “want to do it all” kind of person. I have loved creative artistic endeavors for as long as I can remember… even clear back in 4th grade I knew I wanted to be an artist!

While in Junior High and High School I managed to take every art class that was offered. I took tests to get music class requirements waived just so I could fit in additional art classes.

I took lettering classes, drawing, oil painting, display art, commercial art, stage design, and pottery classes and loved them all. At the University of Utah I continued to study art and along the way learned to love watercolor and pen and ink as well.

At a recent high school reunion one of my friends suggested that I add my “graffiti” experience to my art qualifications! I never thought of it as graffiti but I will come clean now that the statutes of limitations are past and freely admit that I was part of the original after midnight painting of a very large “G” that appeared across the entire street in front of our high school!

I was asked to teach a painting class by a friend’s mother in 1978 and I have been teaching various art classes ever since! I have had the opportunity to teach in art stores, private studios, at SDP chapters throughout the Western United States, and at several regional and national painting conventions, and I’ve taught art classes through the Continuing Education system.  My work has been published in Paint Works art magazine and other art publications. I teach drawing classes and also paint and teach classes in Oil, Acrylic and Watercolor. Many of my paintings begin with inspiration from Photos that either my husband or I have taken.

I am Co-Owner and Manager of the Art Apprentice Online School of Art ( along with my four fabulous business partners who are all accomplished artists . . . we design, we teach, we critique, we write articles, publish a magazine and love (almost) every minute of it! We have students (beginners through advanced) from around the world who participate with us and I invite you to take a look at what we have to offer!

You may contact me with questions at: or

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