Looking for Inspiration?

If you are looking for inspiration as an artist make the most of pleasant weather while it lasts and take every opportunity to get out of the house. Getting out is invigorating to both the body and mind, and it can yield exciting ideas and be a fabulous source of constant inspiration. Be sure to keep your camera and/or phone charged and with you at all times. And remember that some of the most beautiful works of art focus on simplicity. Taking along a small pocket size sketchbook is a good idea so you can record your ideas and thoughts about some of the things you take pictures of. Even if you think you can’t draw you can record basic shapes and jot down your ideas about the lighting, the mood or possibilities of how you think you could use the photographed item in a composition. Don’t worry about what others may think of your sketches – this is for you and you don’t need to share them.

Take pictures with painting them in mind and then within the next day or two get out your paint and really enjoy yourself while the inspiration is fresh on your mind. And even if you can’t paint right away your photos will always be a wonderful resource – especially during cold weather months when all you may want to do is stay inside with a cup of hot cocoa or tea! Photos can also evoke fond memories and emotion as we work through the painting process and as we later enjoy our finished painting! And if you ever need more accolades just put one of your children, grandchildren, or a neighborhood kid in one of your paintings and it will immediately be a huge hit! There is nothing like appreciation to boost the ego and make us want to paint even more!

Have the rest of a wonderful Autumn season – get out the paint and really enjoy yourself. Consider trying some plein air painting as the summer days start to cool off. If that doesn’t quite sound like your cup of tea just try taking your work outside and paint in the cool of the morning on your own porch or patio. Shake things up a bit and make it fun!



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